#InvestInAustria Schönbrunn Palace

#InvestInAustria is an exclusive high-level event for selected CEOs of leading international companies. The event, held in the historic ambience of Schönbrunn Palace, will be a unique opportunity for direct conversations with members of the Federal Government, who will be pleased to discuss your specific investment projects and the framework required for Austria as a leading business location.
15:00 - 15:30 Registration & Networking Coffee
15:30 - 16:30 Welcome Address
- Mr. Martin Kocher - Federal Minister of Labour and Economy
- Keynote Speech - Mr. Karl Nehammer - Federal Chancellor
- Keynote Speech - Mr. Werner Kogler - Federal Vice-Chancellor
Panel Austrian Innovation and Investing Insight: Success Stories
- Lars Reger - Executive Vice President and CTO, NXP Semiconductors
- Markus Stäblein - CEO, NXP Semiconductors Austria
- Anthea Cherednichenko - General Manager, Takeda Austria
- Ricardo Marek - President Europe & Canada Business Unit, Takeda
16:45 - 17:30 Business Location Austria, Talks by Federal Ministers and State Secretaries (parallel)
Business Location Austria: Labour Market and Economic Policy Talk
- Mr. Martin Kocher - Federal Minister of Labour and Economy
- Ms. Susanne Kraus-Winkler - State Secretary for Tourism
Business Location Austria: Taxes, Duties and Digitalisation Talk
- Mr. Magnus Brunner - Federal Minister of Finance
- Mr. Florian Tursky - State Secretary for Digitalisation
Business Location Austria: Climate Action, Energy and Transformation Talk
- Ms. Leonore Gewessler - Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Mr. Martin Polaschek - Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research
17:30 -19:30 (parallel)
- Bilaterals with Federal Ministers and State Secretaries
- Exhibition of Innovative Austrian Companies
- Exhibition of Innovative Austrian Companies
- Information on the Austrian Business Location
- Cultural Programme, Schönbrunn Palace Guided Tour
19:30 -21:00 Gala Dinner
Wednesday, 15 February, 2023
from 3 pm to 9 pm
Schönbrunn Palace, Apothekertrakt
1130 Vienna
Invitation only by the Austrian Federal Government
For any further questions please refer to: InvestInAustria@bmaw.gv.at