Research in Austria
Austria is known as a center for investment, innovation, and dynamic research. As a research hub, it is quite popular and benefits from many different factors such as direct research funding and a research tax credit. This has made the country a vibrant and attractive destination for different kinds of research and innovation.
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Research Hub Austria:
Enthusiasm for Investment, Innovation
and a Dynamic Research Scene
Why should you conduct research in Austria? Because you will be successful here! This is not due to one but to several factors which together make the country so attractive for innovation. The combination of direct research funding and a 14% research premium is unique in Europe.
Still not convinced? Well, Austria, as a research hub, offers even more! Over the past two decades, the country has significantly advanced in the area of research and development. The research ratio, which was 1.53% in 1994, rose to 3.26% by 2023, positioning Austria's development dynamics in research and development among the strongest in Europe.
The Austrian Science Fund FWF just approved € 52 million in funding for basic research projects. Moreover, € 140 million annually will be distributed by the Future Fund of the Republic of Austria between 2022 and 2025 to tackle issues of the future such as pandemic preparedness, AI and radical innovation.
Research Premium
The 14% research premium applies to costs incurred for research and experimental development. Funding is available for both the company’s in-house research and contract research - tax-free and without any cap.
At a glance: This is how
Austria facilitates top research
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Industry and commerce meets science
The business and scientific communities work extremely closely and successfully together. As a result, the country thus offers ideal prerequisites for open innovation. External partners such as customers, universities, research institutes, suppliers and startups are ideally integrated into the development process for new ideas, products and services.
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Excellent specialists
The educational system in Austria is known for its high quality and practice-oriented training. Furthermore, numerous funding programmes also exist, linking scientists and companies, providing support with the onboarding of international staff and assisting with registration and tax issues.
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Strong funding and attractive tax benefits
Companies operating in Austria benefit from the 14% research premium which they can claim for research and experimental development costs. The tax credit applies to both in-house and contract research. Furthermore, researchers moving to Austria also benefit from a 30% tax deduction on income from their research activities in Austria and abroad.
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Austrian inventiveness
Austria is a country of inventors. In 2021, 2,480 inventions were registered with the Austrian Patent Office, enough for a 5th place ranking in the EU.
Research Hub Austria:
A strong ecosystem
Excellent education and training complement the optimal collaboration between the research community and companies. In 2020, more than one-third of all Austrians had completed a tertiary education.
However, companies not only find highly qualified employees here but also strong scientific cooperation partners. 22 public universities, 17 private universities and 21 universities of applied sciences offer more than 3,600 courses of studymore than 3,600 courses of study (). 390,000 students are currently finishing their education. The non-university research sector also enjoys a global reputation.
Austria as a research hub also ranks among the European leaders when it comes to the collaboration of higher education institutions and the corporate sector. Highly specialized and extensively networked clusters have been set up in Austria, for example in the mobility, green tech, life sciences, food, aviation and aerospace, design and wood sectors. These efficient networks in technological and economic areas of expertise enhance the national and international competitiveness of their participants based on innovation and collaboration, regardless of whether small, medium-sized or large companies are involved.
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Research Premium in Austria

Research Barometer

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Research Barometer

Research Barometer