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From research to practical application: Quantum technology in Austria

03. December 2024

Quantum research has achieved astonishing results in understanding and controlling increasingly complex systems, opening up a new universe of possibilities and questions. Austria has quickly emerged as a leading centre for research and development in the field of quantum technologies.

This development is supported by initiatives such as "Quantum Austria" featuring investments of more than € 100 million i.e., funds from the NextGenerationEU Recovery and Resilience Facility. This is designed to strengthen the quantum technology ecosystem in Austria by 2026. Quantum Austria is intended to further enhance the competitiveness and collaboration of Austrian researchers with European initiatives. The funds are allocated by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (ASF). 

Quantum science at the forefront 

Renowned research institutions such as the University of Innsbruck, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the University of Vienna and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) are at the forefront of further advancing quantum science. Their research focuses primarily on quantum information, gravitation and many-particle systems. The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Science AustriaQuantum Science Austria () is dedicated to promoting quantum research. The partners, all leading Austrian research institutions, focus on conducting research into key issues relating to the quantum nature of space, time and gravity, new paradigms for quantum information science and the physics of artificial quantum many-particle systems. The underlying objective is to gain deeper insights into the quantum world through teamwork and innovative research. 

Austria is also home to leading large industrial companies as well as ambitious young companies such as Alpine Quantum Technologies (AQT)Alpine Quantum Technologies (AQT) () and ParityQCParityQC (). They are all doing pioneering work in the development of hardware, software and architecture for quantum computers. 

All these activities strengthen Austria’s role as a leading research centre for quantum technology and thus the country's international competitiveness as well. 

Read more about quantum technologies in AustriaRead more about quantum technologies in Austria ()

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